Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Steady progress

No, this isn't another update on the cleaning of my office.

Work has been busy but it's getting better. The call volume has gone down from the first day of school and I'm able to concentrate on the trouble tickets assigned to me more than taking phone calls. Other, visible, improvements have been made that help keep myself and others off the phone - which is nice. As a friend once told me many years ago, "it's a big wheel and it turns very slowly." The situation isn't perfect but at least I feel like the wheel is in motion.

On the health front, Kevin and I went to the gym yesterday for the first time in about a week. Although my heart rate reached its target on the treadmill and the weights needed effort in the last few lifts of each set, that was the most effortless workout I've had yet. It was almost "routine."

The kicker? I found a shirt in my closet this morning that I really wanted to wear today but has been in the "too small" group for several months. It's still what I would consider my "fat" clothes but I put it on and it fit well enough that I'm going to wear it to work. Yay for me! The bathroom scale is wonky but this is proof I can feel that something is happening.

Well... off to the office. Y'all have a nice day.

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