Friday, November 19, 2004


Sorry - I'm new at this once-a-week thing. I just posted a new entry at Friday Favorites.

Good thing I have several in the queue.
Remember - please send me any of your ideas.

Today's topic: Movies (the links will take you to the respective pages on my wav archive)

What is your favorite...

1. ...classic (old) movie?
Casablanca... "We'll always have Paris."

2. ...comedy movie?
Animal House... "They took the bar! The whole f***ing BAR!!"

3. ...action movie?
Boondock Saints... "We're sorta like 7-11. We're not always doing business but we're always open."

4. ...drama movie?
Apollo 13... "Houston, we have a problem"

5. of all time?
Star Wars: Episode IV, A New Hope... "Commander, tear this ship apart until you've found those plans. And bring me the passengers, I want them ALIVE!"
Oh, the stories I could tell...

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