Friday, November 05, 2004

How did you vote?

Before you start getting all bristly about me asking you who you voted for, that's not my point. I don't like telling people who I voted for in such a highly charged election or at all, for that matter.

I haven't been voting that long, really. My first Presidential election was between George Bush and Michael Dukakis. The world was still riding high on the Reagan years and, having been his VP, Bush had a pretty good shot.

As America came through the campaigns and elections of Bush vs. Clinton, Clinton vs. Dole and Bush vs. Gore we saw the elections growing closer and closer and actually saw how the electoral votes can actually outweigh the popular vote in 2000. Maybe it was just my perception or maybe it was that I felt Clinton's lack of moral character was not deserving of a second term but elections changed for me some time in that twelve year period. The campaigns ceased being about issues and who might be best for the job and became more about discrediting the other guy.

So, my question is not about who you voted for but why. Was it about the issues for you? Did you vote for one because you so didn't want to see the other in the White House that you were willing to pick anyone but him? (that is kinda where I stand) Did you vote for your registered party because if you're going to be considered a democrat/republican you should vote along party lines?

I've talked recently about how I really didn't want either one and my reasonings for that so I won't rehash it here.

I don't care who you made your mark for. You can tell me if you want but I won't ask for it. But tell me - why did you vote that way?

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