Friday, January 07, 2005

Medium... A Well-Done Show, Which is Rare

First, I must admit that I stole the title from Jay Leno.

Medium, starring Patricia Arquette, premiered Monday, January 3, 2005. The wife and I could have cared less whether we watched this particular show because NBC cannot promote a show to save its life and can't seem to save its life with the shows it does promote (Father of the Pride, anyone?) but we ended up watching it because there was nothing else of interest on.

I liked it. I liked it a lot!!

It was sufficiently intriguing but wasn't too heavy-handed with the psychic stuff. I got a very good sense of the character of Allison, who has psychic abilities more than a sense of s psychotic psychic character who's name happens to be Allison. (Allison, by the way, is the name of the real person this show is based on) And it's not all creepy-crawly dead things and gross you out.

It's sorta-like this. Would you rather go see a movie that has a good story with some interesting characters that happens to also have really cool effects (i.e. The Matrix) or a movie that is so effects driven that the actors can literally phone in their performances and it wouldn't make any difference because the script sucks (i.e. The Matrix Revolutions)? Medium is more like the former. It does not rely on the psychic aspect to get its point across (a flaw I fear the upcoming show Numb3rs will present in full force). I mean, there's only so much you can do with that. It's like having a show with a helicopter as your main character. It might make a good movie, but not a good series. It focuses on the wrong thing.

Aside from all of that, though, we were very intrigued that NBC would be showing a second, brand new episode last night, January 6, 2005 then would settle it into its regular Monday time slot. We were torn between watching the new episode of Without a Trace and the new episode of Medium. In the end, Medium won out for its shiny newness.

Our anticipation was dashed, however, when we realized - despite what two different television schedules told us - that they were replaying the premier episode that we had just watched on Monday.

It's no wonder NBC is falling so quickly from its top spot... they can't get their shit together.

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