Friday, May 20, 2005

Helping Sam

They're all over the internet. "Please help my child who is suffering from [insert disease]." When I stumble across them, I usually don't bother to help. I'm not going to defend that attitude, I just don't usually do it.

Today, however, I stumbled across a post at Science Fiction Twin. He's telling his readers about Sam and how you can help if you want to.

I was going to blow it off just like the others but then I saw that INTERCOT was involved. Yeah, I didn't know who they were, either, until I clicked the link. Basically, it's a behind-the-scenes group at Disney. They decided to start Pixie Dust for Sam to collect donations to help him out.

It got me to thinking. First, I've been enjoying a great run at eBay. In a short amount of time, I have become somewhat fluid and can easily afford to help pay part of the bill for the fancy digital camera my wife bought me for my birthday (it's a Nikon D70). Plus, I've been using some of the money to buy memory cards, lenses and other accessories. So, I have disposable income readily available. Second, Disney is involved. Chances are good that our money will go to help more than just Sam.

Without hesitating much longer, I scrolled down to the bottom of the Pixie Dust for Sam page and made a donation via PayPal. I encourage you to do the same. For $5, you can get one of those rubber bracelets that are so popular right now but remember, a straight donation goes even further.

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