Wednesday, June 22, 2005

An Explanation of... Flang

I have used this term at least twice in postings. The first time, I told you I would explain it at some later date. Now that I've used it a second time, I think I should explain without much more delay.

Flang is a term used to reset your brain. A word to insert when you have nothing else to say. Sort-of like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, only shorter. More like an expletive.

I first heard the word "flang" on the Friends soundtrack CD. There are dialogue sequences between the songs. During one of the exchanges, Chandler (Matthew Perry) is desperately trying to say something but gets superfluously tongue-tied and finaly blurts out, "Flaaaang!" It stuck.

I was explaining this to Kevin one day when I had been using it quite a bit. He liked the word and its explanation so we now use it as a flub-ending expletive.

Soon enough, the term extended from being tied to verbal tumbling to also being tied to physical blunders - dropping things or tripping over hydrogen molecules. It was at this point that Kevin and I decided that FLANG was actually an acronym for Failed Language And Natural Grace.

I have since found out that a flang is a miner's two-pointed pick... doesn't matter, it has a different place in my mind.

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