Monday, June 06, 2005

It's Mine... All Mine!

I didn't think it was going to happen. About 6 months ago, we had some problems on the home front that caused us to make a few late payments and tanked our credit score. Most offers came up around the 10% mark. We thought credit union A would be quite nice to us and didn't think credit union B would even consider us. Turns out we're still in the penalty box with CU A. We have to wait about another 6 months before they'll even consider a new loan for us.

I figured we'd be stuck with the $481 payment if we wanted the car. Then, the wife called me at 4:30. "We gotta go."


"We gotta go sign papers."

"What? Why?"

"'cause we're buying a car." I thought she was talking about CU A, which is over an hour away. There was no way we could even get there in time to sign paperwork much less get back in time to buy the car.

"From who?"

"Credit Union B."

"Really!? What rate did they give us?"


"Did they read our credit report?"

Anyway, it was the real thing and I am now the VERY proud owner of a 2004 Honda Accord EX V6. More details later.

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