Friday, June 03, 2005

That's not right... that's just not right.

I'm sitting here waiting for some photos to transfer off a DVD so I can work on my web pages. I've got the TV on for background noise and this commercial comes on...

"How many times has this happened to you?"
Guy in mini convertible honks at pretty girl, smiles and waves.
Change angle to show large SUV (who was in front of guy with horn) crunching fender of sports car travelling perpendicular to SUV.
"Misconstrued honking can have serious consequences."
Guy gets out of SUV and punches guy in convertible mini.
"You could spend hours learning friendlier honking techniques, such as the short honk or the double-tap, but now you don't have to!"
"Now, there's the Hey Horn!"

I swear to God, I thought someone was going to say they just saved a bunch of money on their car insurance. But this is a REAL PRODUCT! The commercial was just too hokey. I can't believe this is anything more than a novelty product like those musical horns they used to sell at Radio Shack.

If you go to the site, be sure to hover over the thumb and remote to hear what this thing sounds like. Be sure, also, to check out the "infomercial" (it takes a while to load) to see just how cheesy these things are. Oh, it gives me chills at how wrong this is.


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