Last Thursday I was busy dirtying up the kitchen with candlemaking and other kitchen-like activities. As I was waiting for a batch of candles to cool, I decided to load and run the dishwasher. I filled it up with soap, closed the door and hit the button. I heard the watter flowing inward then heard it switch cycles and begin to spray.
Within seconds, I heard a loud metalic clunk and all it would do was hum. I checked and I had a nice reflecting pool in the bottom of the dishwasher but no movement on that pool. Try as I might, I could not get it to continue through the cycles or even drain. (side note: if you’re looking for a siphon hose to drain the dishwasher with, don’t pussyfoot around – go straight to your local auto parts store. They have them, nobody else does.)
I don’t know the first thing about dishwashers. To me, I put the dirty dishes in, close the door, push some buttons and the dishes come out magically cleaned. Okay, I know a little more about it than that. I know that water is somehow involved. Seriously, though, I have no idea how to do the least bit of troubleshooting – I don’t even know how to remove the kick panel. On Friday afternoon, I called for help and scheduled an appointment for Tuesday afternoon.
Last night, the repairman arrived and, after examining the unit for a few moments, proceeded to remove the kick panel. I now know that its removal involves a nut driver. He reached under and attempted to turn the pump assembly by hand. Failing that, he attempted the same with the aid of a tool. The conversation went something like this.
Repair Guy (RG): – still attempting to turn the pump by hand – Yep, it’s frozen bigger than Dallas.
ME: That can’t be good.
RG: It’s not. (stands) Your pump assembly is siezed.
ME: And that means…?
RG: Buy a new dishwasher.
(awkward silence)
RG: Seriously, a new pump assembly is going to run you about $280.00 installed and you can get a brand new dishwasher for $350.00 with a warranty.
After that, I handed him a check for $50.00 (FIFTY BUCKS! For that!?) and he went on his merry way and we proceeded to head for Lowe’s. I realize there probably isn’t much difference in dishwashers but the ones with the features we liked were $350–$500, plus the cost of installation (~$110), plus the cost of any extended warranty we might buy. We’re going to check a couple of other places but Stillwater just doesn’t have that many choices.
There goes any chance for getting that iPod.
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