Tuesday, June 19, 2007

How Do You Take An Attitude Shower?

I was checking out the blog of another Joe Fusco when I came across a link to an article entitled Happiness is a Moral Obligation by Dennis Prager. Prager has some wonderful points about happiness and the effects unhappiness has on people. The part that Fusco quoted and that drew me to the article was as follows:

"We should regard bad moods as we do offensive body odor. Just as we shower each day so as not to inflict our body odors on others, so we should monitor our bad moods so as not to inflict them on others. We shower partly for ourselves and partly out of obligation to others. The same should hold true vis a vis moods; and just as we avoid those who do not do something about their body odor we should avoid whenever possible those who do nothing about their bad moods."

Interresting. I will endeavor to do this but the question becomes, how to take an attitude shower? How do we wash away our bad mood? I'm going to work on this. I will find an answer - At least, one that works for me - and I will let you know. If you have an answer that works for you, please leave a comment.

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