Friday, December 12, 2008

A Letter

Dear Santa,

I know that every year I send you a list of wonderfully expensive gizmos, gadgets and blinking black boxes but I want you to know that I do understand what Christmas is about. Christmas is not about what you get but about what you give. I'm not talking about the material things that you give to friends and family. What I'm talking about is the part of you that you give to others.

Some people give of themselves by volunteering to serve dinner to the less fortunate. Some people donate gifts or money to The Salvation Army or Toys for Tots in the hope that everyone will have at least one gift to open on Christmas morning. Some people show up for a family dinner and hold their tongue so they don't argue with the relative they don't get along with the other 364 days a year. Some people go to church and pray for opportunities to serve God and their fellow man.

This holiday is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is also a celebration of the gift he gave to all of us... His life. I refuse to forget that.

For some reason, to me, this Christmas is even more about giving and sacrifices. I don't feel the stress and worry and hustle and bustle of the season. All I feel is the love. The love of family. The love of friends. The love of every living soul on this planet. And the love of God.

So, Santa, I'd like you to do me a favor. As you and your reindeer fly around the world this Christmas Eve and you deliver gifts to all the boys and girls, put a little love under the tree from me. As it turns out, I have plenty to go around... just like Jesus did.

Uncle Bubby

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