Wednesday, July 29, 2009


It's getting to be that time of year again. Classes start on August 17th and now is the time that technicians like me get to run around assessing the condition of equipment, installing upgrades and generally spiffing everything up in preparation for the start of the semester.

The last couple of days I've been visiting all of the computer labs and teaching spaces to compile a report of what needs to be done. Starting next week, I'll likely begin the work necessary to get all the systems running at peak efficiency.

I addition, I've been spending some time after hours every day to get our workspace cleaned up. Each day I seem to have to shift my thinking in some way or another. It's really a new experience for me to be in charge like this. Generally, I just concern myself with my desk. There has been a lot of 'stuff' that has landed in our office and has just stayed there. (The same is, unfortunately, true for my house.) Well, the boss noticed... then I noticed... then I was embarrassed.

We're making progress on the cleanup but it doesn't necessarily look like much yet. One of my techs and I have been hitting the store room pretty hard so we can make space for the 'stuff' to go. Once we get that, there should be one big flourish and the 'stuff' will find a home, even temporarily until it can be picked up as surplus.

So, that's where I've been. As far as my Monday, I woke up Tuesday and realized there is absolutely nothing I can can do about what was. The only thing I can do anything about is what is and what will be. I was given a list of corrections and they shall be corrected.

Interestingly enough, I just received an email about a seminar that looks to address some of the supervisory areas I am having issues with. I'll look at it tomorrow and see if it's worth asking if I can go.

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