Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Truth About Weather In Oklahoma

Friday 12/18: There's a chance we might have a white Christmas but we'll have to keep an eye on it

Saturday 12/19: There's a storm off the coast of California that might make for some interesting weather later in the week

Sunday 12/20: It looks like we're going to get some rain Tuesday night changing to light snow continuing through mid-day Wednesday

Monday 12/21: "...we checked the computer models and they were no help at all." (Mike Morgan) The storm is making it's way on to the West coast. It's going to get to us on Tuesday. It will start out as rain Tuesday morning, then a mass of cold air will roll in, temperatures will drop quickly, and it will change over to snow Tuesday afternoon. The snow will continue into Wednesday but will be light and will end by mid-afternoon.

Tuesday 12/22: [no precipitation whatsoever. temperature was 55deg most of the day] It will rain all day long. Low temp in the morning will be 21deg, it will get into the mid 40s, then drop and have another 21deg overnight low. Rain will continue through Wednesday and possibly into Thursday. We might get a very light dusting of snow on Wednesday but nothing significant at all.

Wednesday 12/23: ARMAGEDDON! ARMAGEDDON! THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING! Oh, my God we are going to get DUMPED on! There's not a place in the state that is going to get less than an inch of snow. Oklahoma city will get up to 5 inches, Stillwater might get 8 to 10 inches. Of course, if it moves North, it will be lighter. If it moves South, it will be worse. "Some computer models have OKC getting fifteen inches. I'm not kidding... this will be an hour-by-hour deal." (David Payne)

This isn't even the current map. Gotta love it.

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