Monday, August 02, 2004

Calling all artists

Here's the deal, my friend Ron has a really cool logo on his website that also appears in his blog comments. His blog and website have the same name, Tis Gar Plen.

I'm not sure where he got the graphic but it got me to thinking... I want a logo.

I don't sketch very well and I barely approach mediocrity on a good day when it comes to computerized drawing tools. I could do it myself but a) it would look like a 3rd-grader drew it (okay, maybe a 6th grader) and b) I'd love to see some of your interpretations of my blog title.

So, to all of you artists out there - even those who draw like a 3rd grader - I respectfully request... Okay, I'm begging for a logo, I admit it. There is no prize beyond my undying gratitude and I won't be paying you but I will give you artistic credit. If you have an idea (even if it's just a description - I can probably convince my sister to help me draw it [wink, wink]) send me an email.

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