Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Sorry it's been a while since I updated. The last five days or so have been a real pain - in some cases literally.

Let's see... Thursday and Friday I spent taking care of the wife. She's been fighting a cold or sinus infeciton or something and our doctor is out of town. We've been to the ER (out of necessity, not really emergency) and then we figured out there's a walk-in clinic in town, which we visited late yesterday.

Neither of us were feeling up to par over the weekend and we didn't get diddly squat done. I managed to get a couple of loads of laundry and a load of dishes done on Sunday but that's about it.

Monday came the painful part... Remember that tooth that's been bothering me for about a year?? Yep - root canal.

It's really not as bad as everyone makes it out to be and the procedure is actually rather interesting - even on the receiving end. That is, at least as long as the anasthetic holds out. Let's just say it involves some little, itty, bitty files and an ohm meter. Yeah, an ohm meter... go figure! Anyway, because of that sleep was a little difficult last night. After a dental procedure, I usually have pain along my jaw that originates at the injection point and Monday night was no different. The problem was that I rolled over (12 hours after the initial injection almost to the exact minute) and pushed on the tooth just right. The remaining outer nerves are a bit touchy, just like the Dr. said.

Oh, yeah, he's not finished. I have to go back on Tuesday. Turns out, I have four canals rather than the normal three and they're long and narrow. Not a problem but the whole procedure is tedious anyway and this just makes it take longer.

I did also manage to occupy my time this weekend trying to get an FTP service running on my web server. I wanted to use blogger to post updates to my web pages. Because of the firewall built into the router (NAT to the nerds), I was playing with configurations and ports and configuration files and none of it worked right. I couldn't get blogger to send the files to my server to save my life.

Tonight, however, with the help of a Google search, I realized I had everything I needed already running. I turned off the FTP service and switched blogger to using Secure FTP (SFTP) and it went through my SSH connection without a hitch.

They're not much to look at but if you really want to see them...
Server updates
Wav updates
Photo updates
Starstruck updates

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