Saturday, March 26, 2005

Painter's Pants

After dinner last night, we journeyed to the local Lowe's to pick up the paint for the bedroom. The plan is to do a base coat in a light tan, then use a maroon glaze in a rag roll over it. According to the sample we saw, the base coat is a color called "San Juan Hill," so we got a gallon.

I woke up this morning around 9:30, which is late for me but when you're out hoisting a beer (yes, just one) and chatting with a friend until 2am, it feels early. I went ahead and took a shower and checked my ebay auctions. By the time I was done with that, the wife was up and we started moving the remaining items out of the bedroom.

Prep time was about an hour and we finally poured the paint. Imagine my... surprise? disgust? nausea?... when I stepped back and examined the first patch of paint and it was the color of... flesh. Yes, my wall was looking like skin. CREEPY. I kept painting, keeping two things in mind. 1 - This is a base coat. We will be putting a glaze over it. 2 - 99% of all paint dries a little darker than it goes on... which this, thankfully did. The room still looks a little fleshy but it's not as... precise as it was.

I'll keep you informed on how to rag rolling goes. And I must say, for prep work, a Turbo Masker is well worth the money. It's a dispenser for that blue painter's masking tape and it makes masking go MUCH quicker.

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