Friday, June 10, 2005

Oh, It Figures!

When my wife and I moved into our house about two years ago we didn't have a yard. No, I mean it, there was no grass. It was a brand new house and, though the builder had seeded the lot, we had dirt. Now, combine that with a sloped back yard and lots of rain shortly after and...

Can you say erosion boys and girls? I knew you could.

Fast forward to tonight. We're taking the new Honda to the movies (we intended to go see Mr. & Mrs. Smith but no seats except in the front so we opted for Madagascar). Right next to the movie theater there is some construction. In the back of the lot is a huge pile of dirt with a large sign reading, "Free fill dirt - we load!"

Did I mention that I traded in my full-size, extended-cab, long-bed pickup truck four days ago?

It figures.

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