Monday, July 04, 2005

Back To School

I graduated college fifteen years ago. About fourteen years ago, I started thinking about going back to school. I have never acted on these thoughts in the past because I could never decide what it was I wanted to do.

About 2 months ago, my job changed. I didn't change it, it was changed for me. I've been made a system technician - it's kind-of like being a junior system administrator. The problem is, I've never been a system administrator and I have a large knowledge gap. I have had a taste of the work, though, and I like it. The current budget is prohibitive to the extensive training I would need to come completely up to speed... but the University will give me a 50% break on tuition because I'm an employee.

With that in mind, I have decided to pursue a Master's degree in Management Information Systems. I've already taken the first two steps. I met with an advisor and I've applied to the graduate college as a special student. On Friday, I learned I had been accepted. Next step is to enroll.

This is going to be a really odd experience for me. I haven't been "in school" for fifteen years. I haven't had to enroll, purchase books, go to class and take tests.

We'll go on the journey together, okay?

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