Saturday, March 04, 2006

Your Host Will Seat You Now

A year ago to the day, I moved my web site from a server in my house to a hosted server at MidPhase. It cost me $95.40 for a year of service and, overall, I'm not displeased with the service. I had some issues with setup but haven't noticed any other major difficulties.

They just sent me my renewal notice. By my calculations it's a month early. That, combined with wanting to add subdomains* - something they charge extra for - got me to thinking about moving to a different web host.

One of my problems is that I need a web host that allows at least 3 gigabytes of storage. Bandwidth isn't a major concern but I would love to have subdomains (i.e. to go directly to my photo site) but I don't want to get charged for them and I think it's a ripoff if a host charges for them.

I looked around this morning and found several hosts that came in at the same $7.95/month and will fit my needs. IX Web Hosting is at the top of a couple of ranking lists so they're a strong contender. I also checked out iPowerWeb, a host a friend uses, and they meet all of my requirements, too.

Anyone have any opinions about these two hosts or want to suggest a different host?

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