Monday, April 02, 2007

A Quick Note...

...before I turn off the wireless.

I'm sitting in a somewhat empty house. The movers came today and took most of it away. We did our best but two weeks is just not enough time to sort through four years of accumulated trash and sixteen years of accumulated possessions. We'll find out the exact weight tomorrow but the driver estimates it's about 9,000 pounds... not too shabby for two weeks.

We've decided that I'm going to come back in a couple of weeks for a week or two to finish the sort and bring the rest up with a U-Haul. It should be interesting. I'll be drafting a few of you out there to help so I'll let you know when this will be happening once we figure it out. I'm planning on having another sale, too, but it will not have nearly as much stuff. All of the clothes will be donated as will the books and a lot will be going into the trash.

I'm exhausted and sore and we load up the "kids" tomorrow and hit the road. I don't know when I'll have another chance to check in but I'll be checking email when possible so feel free to click the button over on the right and say "Howdy."

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