Friday, March 30, 2007

Chaos and Mayhem and Stress, Oh My!

It's getting down to the wire and, as always, we're not where we need to be on a lot of this stuff. We're down to the little stuff that really needs to be sorted but don't have any time to sort. I don't know about my wife but, as of today, I've shifted into "just throw it in a box" mode.

We secured the duplex in Idaho so we now have a destination. It's going to cost us an arm, leg and half a tuna sandwich to move in but we have a place to go.

The moving company did a walkthrough earlier this week. Their estimate put us over the moving alotment by about $1,800. We decided to sell a couple of other big items (anyone need a china cabinet?) and my mother-in-law has a storage unit we can partially use so a few other items are going into storage. We're still over, though. We'd just put it on a credit card but we don't have that option available to us anymore.

Last night we were discussing moving the bulk of it on Tuesday with us and the pets. Then, I would come back a week or so later and finish packing up. Once she got a paycheck or two, I could rent a U-Haul and get the rest moved. The plan changes from day to day - hour to hour sometimes.

I have to put my trust in God. So far, everything has unfolded as it should, when it needed to. I just wish we weren't so close to the wire on it. It would make my tummy troubles so much lighter in intensity.

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