Thursday, March 13, 2008

I Have The Power, Or Maybe I Don't

I'm beginning to think my hard drive woes might be a power issue. I zeroed out the drive last night by hooking it up as a solo act inside the PC and running the WD tools. When I reconnected the primary and fired up the system, it came right up but, for some reason, locked up in the middle of the format.

When I tried connecting my IDE drive as well, it started making odd click-beep noises and wasn't responding. I currently have it hooked up externally on separate power and all is well. Not a click or a beep out of the thing.

I have two optical drives, a floppy (yes, I still have one), three fans, a sound card, a video card and all the built-ins on the motherboard plus a 500GB SATA hard drive. Do you think it's too much to ask of a 400W power supply to add a 120GB IDE drive and/or a 250GB SATA drive?

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