Note: Movember is a registered 501c3 non-profit, and donations are tax deductible.
Movember isn't just about prostate cancer it's about all men's health issues - including testicular cancer. Yep, ball cancer is a real thing. Just ask Lance Armstrong.
Testicular cancer is not common; a man's lifetime chance of developing testicular cancer is about 1 in 270. Because treatment is so successful, the risk of dying from this cancer is very low: about 1 in 5,000. Just because the chances of developing testicular cancer are low and the survival rate is high that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep track of your boys. You should do periodic self exams - just like the ladies do with their breasts.
To be truthful, I've never done a testicular self exam so I turned to the America Cancer Society to educate me.
Testicular self-exam
The best time for you to examine your testicles is during or after a bath or shower, when the skin of the scrotum is relaxed.
- Hold the penis out of the way and examine each testicle separately.
- Hold the testicle between your thumbs and fingers with both hands and roll it gently between the fingers.
- Look and feel for any hard lumps or nodules (smooth rounded masses) or any change in the size, shape, or consistency of the testes.
You should be aware that each normal testis has an epididymis, which can feel like a small bump on the upper or middle outer side of the testis. Normal testicles also contain blood vessels, supporting tissues, and tubes that conduct sperm. Some men may confuse these with cancer at first. If you have any concerns, ask your doctor.
A testicle can get larger for many reasons other than cancer. Fluid can collect around the testicle to form a benign condition called a hydrocele. Other times, the veins in the testicle can dilate and cause enlargement and lumpiness around the testicle. This is called a varicocele. To be sure you have one of these conditions and not a tumor; you need to have a doctor examine you. The doctor may order an ultrasound exam (see the section, "How is testicular cancer diagnosed?"). This is an easy and painless way of finding a tumor.
If you choose to examine your testicles, you will become familiar with what is normal and what is different. Always report any changes to your doctor without delay.
Well, there you have it. It's easy. I'll be taking care of this simple task at some point in the near future.
Movember - Day 1
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