Friday, November 12, 2004

The Favorite Five

In the tradition of the Friday 5, I'm going to try to start something... the Favorite Five. Each Friday, I will post five questions of favorites for you (and me) to answer. My thought is to have them themed so, with that in mind, I give you the first Favorite Five...

This weeks topic: Television

What is your favorite...

1. ...currently airing television show?
Stargate SG-1

2. ...television show of all time?
The Lucy Show - The one's with Ricky, not with Mr. Mooney.

3. ...television show that got cancelled?
Firefly - although, I came to it after it was off the air.

4. that you wish would be made into a television series?

5. ...television show that should be made into a feature movie?
Stargate SG-1

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