As of 12:30 yesterday afternoon, my assistant and I find ourselves among the ranks of the unemployed. We met with upper management and were informed that the company had made the decision to outsource all IT functions and eliminate our positions.
For the most part, the situation was handled with respect and honor. I have my suspicions as to how and why it got to that point but they're not the type of thing that constitute any sort of legal discrimination so there's no point in mentioning them.
I still believe in the company's mission. I still have a great deal of respect for the company's owner and Chief Operating Officer and harbor no ill will or resentment toward them. I have a high level of confidence that they will learn the downsides to this decision in a relatively short amount of time. I hope I am wrong about what I think some of those will be.
My emotions have been running the gamut since "the meeting" yesterday. The hardest part is being severed from the infrastructure I built. It's not perfect by any means. It's not even pretty or highly efficient. But it was my responsibility and I was working to get it there. They kicked me off my own playground.
I've also been using hindsight to play past events and wonder, "What if I had handled that differently?" In the end, it doesn't matter. It is what it is and it was what it was. All I'll ever really know is I was let go "because of the geese."
I could rant all day right now with everything going through my head but I won't for fear of saying something I will regret or that could possibly get me into legal trouble. So with that, I'll bid you adieu.
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