Monday, March 19, 2007

Sometimes I Sits and Thinks...

...Sometimes I Just Sits.

Have you ever been sitting in a public place, like a restaurant, and someone catches your eye? I don't mean a beautiful specimen of the opposite sex, I mean just some regular person. You see them sitting there and you just can't stop watching them for some reason? They don't have any features that necessarily draw your attention like a scar, a disfigurement or just an oddly shaped head. They're not doing anything unusual like rocking back-and-forth in their seat or screaming out obscenities like they have Turrets Syndrome. They're just sitting there, eating their meal, maybe reading a newspaper but for some reason, you're utterly fascinated and can't stop watching the complete and total normality of it all.

Has that ever happened to you? Or is it just me?

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