Monday, April 20, 2009

The Heat Should Get Turned Down A Bit

As I told you several months ago, the OSU Center for Veterinary Health Sciences nas been taking some heat because of practices used in our live animal surgery program. Some of the practices mentioned are false (i.e. intentional breaking of bones) and others are unfortunate but true (the animals are euthanized after the second procedure).

I just received some fantastic news from our Dean. Rather than translate, I'll give it to you verbatim:

Good Morning,

Last week President Hargis provided funds to implement the Shelter Medicine Plan for the Year 3 Surgery Laboratory. The funds are from the university and not from the OSU Foundation. All live animal surgery will be survival and we will utilize dogs from animal shelters for spay and neuter procedures. Animals will be returned to the shelters for adoption.

This plan has been under study for several years and not implemented due to lack of funding. I am pleased we now have the funds to implement the plan beginning this fall semester. We will continue to seek private funding for our shelter medicine program. The university funds provide an additional incentive as matching funds to private gifts.

Michael Lorenz
I am a lot more comfortable with that and I thank President Hargis for allocating these funds.

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