Wednesday, November 24, 2004


Got lots to say but don't feel like it, really. Want to write something about thankfulness and family and holidays and warm fuzzies but I'm not gonna.

Part of it has to do with the dentist appointment. You may remember that last year about this time, I went to the dentist and had a lot of trouble with pain. A couple of days later, I went to see my doctor and he said I had trigeminal neuralgia. Then, I was all confused about whether it really was TN.

Well, a year later, I can tell you it probably isn't TN but it may be a temporary irritation of the trigeminal nerve. The tooth directly below the tooth I got the crown on last year needed an additional filling and that's what I had done on Tuesday. As soon as the anesthesia wore off, the back of my jaw was sore at the injection point (he injected me pretty much at the back of the "hinge"). I wasn't surprised, really, but it bothered me all night and most of the next day. Now, I sit here with a pain along my lower-left jawline frighteningly similar to the pain I had last year (only, not as intense). So, forgive me if I'm not in the mood to be all warm and fuzzy.

Oh, by the way, the crown needs a root canal. And that's a whole other post.

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